In reference to communications "A" 7746 and "A" 7771 issued by the BCRA (Central Bank of the Argentine Republic), we would like to inform that these measures have generated even more exchange restrictions for companies operating in our country.
These measures affect the international logistics sector by restricting international freight providers from issuing transfers abroad and accepting payments for additional services that were usually charged in Argentina.
For such reasons, we have observed that international freight providers have imposed changes in payment methods for imports destined to Argentina.
All international freight invoices with final destination in Argentina will be issued to be paid at the place of origin (i.e., they cannot be collected in Argentina, and the payment methods must be prepaid or abroad)
We are working to see how these measures impact our customers' moves on a case by case basis.
We are also proactively talking with all our international freight providers to reorganize the payment circuit so that the usual service times are NOT affected due to unnecessary delays that may result in additional expenses.
El Equipo de Transpack