"Predictions: By 2026, AI will be capable of writing student essays, and by 2049, it will become the next Stephen King. By 2027, autonomous trucks will become a reality, and by 2031, AI will surpass humans in the retail sector. By the year 2137, all human jobs will be automated." Oxford University Future of Humanity Institute. Study on AI: When will AI surpass human performance?

The development of AI dates back to the first half of the 20th century. Scientific research in artificial intelligence began in 1956 at Dartmouth College. Since then, experts and philosophers have envisioned a world of intelligent machines similar to humans.
In the 21st century, we are entering an era where machines and humans are merging. Today, AI has become so sophisticated that it is increasingly difficult to distinguish the difference between the two. Technology has evolved from a vision of science fiction to robots and machines that learn on their own, integrating into all aspects of our lives. In the future, AI will strive to mimic the human brain and, why not, surpass it. However, it is important to note that this possibility is still a long way off and requires further advances in science.
There are many myths surrounding technology. Some include the belief that "AI will soon surpass human intelligence and replace all human jobs," or that "we will never be creative again," and even that "we will cheat death."
We must be realistic; AI will be a powerful tool for improving the world, but the greatest challenge will continue to be redefining our current systems and changing human behavior. AI has created a wave of excitement and promises, but it is often forgotten that people are the ones who are truly building the future and are responsible for the proper use of AI.
The future of artificial intelligence is extraordinary and unimaginable for many. A good example is the SAGE project carried out by IARPA, a US government agency, which uses AI to predict the future of geopolitical events. It can detect diseases from a person's breath and even read our thoughts and turn them into words or images. However, there is still a lot of uncertainty in AI developments. And when this mistrust dominates our vision, fear arises.
From computers surpassing human intelligence and the loss of control over our lives to a world where monopolies abuse data to push us to consume their products. A world of chaos, job loss, and even autonomous weapons. The future of AI is in our hands. What matters is what people do with it. To anticipate negative scenarios, we must anticipate possible outcomes. Now more than ever, it is necessary to open a debate in society about the future of these technologies. We must educate our children on how to deal with intelligent machines and make them aware of their impacts. Governments, on their part, must develop legislation to counteract the negative aspects of technological innovation.
The increasingly widespread concern is whether AI will replace me at work.
Although it is expected that artificial intelligence will eliminate jobs, experts believe that people must maintain an open mindset to change and adapt.
While generative artificial intelligence will eliminate many types of jobs, others will be created, and people must be ready.
As more technologies emerge and become increasingly specialized, there also comes a need for more technical roles that cannot stop learning.
Professionals should always add more knowledge to their expertise. Roles will evolve, but there will be new forms of work. The integration of AI will have a positive impact in this regard, creating more and better-paid jobs.
According to research from Princeton University, there are 20 professions that are most likely to be exposed with the arrival of programs like ChatGPT, including call center salespeople, literature, foreign languages, history, law, philosophy, sociology, and political science teachers, among other disciplines.
However, the study also opens up the debate on whether artificial intelligence will truly have the ability to replace professions whose main component is complex thinking.
Technology is a field with opportunities for everyone because there is currently a shortage of talent.
We must be open to change, be aware of it, and think of ways to leverage change in favour of the job market, because "most jobs will be transformed, and we must think about how to help people continue developing the new skills necessary to integrate into the new labor world, hand in hand with AI. We should not feel threatened”.
AI is becoming the engine of the new world. A world in which we all become data-generating entities simply because we are managing our lives. Everything we do, the places we go, and the connections we make turns into data.
AI can increase agricultural productivity, help in education by personalizing learning, fight diseases and poverty, and make human life sustainable. AI combined with data could and should restore balance to our world. The question is whether we will be able to harness the transformative power of technology to truly improve humanity. This is the greatest challenge of AI, but let us not forget that it is our responsibility.
SOURCE: La IA no va a terminar con los trabajos, pero sí los modificará (Expansion), El transporte y la logística se reinventan (Cognizant)